How To Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing

With the drop in temperatures comes the risk of your pipes freezing and/or bursting. Burst pipes can cause extensive water damage and are a costly repair. There are pipes in your home that are more susceptible to freezing and they are typically located in unheated areas like basements, attics, and garages. This doesn’t mean that the pipes that run through your cabinets and exterior walls won’t freeze. It’s important to take the necessary precautions to prevent any of the pipes within you home from freezing and/or bursting.

Prevention Is Key

As temperatures start to drop, there are few measures you should take to keep your pipes warm and functional! Winterizing your home is a great habit to get in to.

Keep your garage door closed. This will help keep the frigid air out of your garage near your pipes. This is especially important if you have water lines in your garage.

Open cabinet doors. Opening kitchen and bathroom cabinets will allow the warm air in your home to circulate around the plumbing in the cabinet. This is crucial if any sinks are located on exterior walls. 

Turn on the faucet. Let cold water trickle out of the faucet because running water is much less likely to freeze. 

Add insulation to your pipes. Insulate pipes in unheated areas, like the basement and attic, to prevent freezing. 

Keep your heat on. If you leave your home during the winter months keep your heat on and set it to a minimum of 55°F.

What To Do If Pipes Freeze

If you turn your faucet on and only a trickle of water falls, then your pipe may be frozen. 

*IMPORTANT NOTE* Before attempting to thaw a frozen pipe check for any damage to the pipe and assess whether or not it has burst! If the pipe has burst then turn off your main water shut off valve

If you’ve checked to make sure your frozen pipe isn’t damaged you can take these next steps to thaw it out!

  • Turn the faucet on. As the pipe thaws out, the water will begin flowing. As it flows, the running water will help melt the rest of the ice within the pipe.
  • Apply heat to the pipe. *DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME TO THAW THE PIPE* Use an electric hair dryer, wrap the pipe in towels that are soaked in warm water, or wrap an electric heating pad around the pipe. 
  • Continue applying heat until the water pressure has been fully restored. Make sure to check that all faucets have full water pressure to ensure that no other pipes are frozen.
  • Contact your local plumber if you’re unable to thaw the pipe or are unable to locate the frozen pipe.

The staff of Donovan WaterWorks is highly trained and experienced to handle all your plumbing needs and emergencies. 

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